Forums - Adreno 3xx gl_InstanceID Bug

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Adreno 3xx gl_InstanceID Bug
Join Date: 18 Oct 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2016-05-13 09:45

I was trying to implement instanced rendering in my Android App and came across the following problem: the value of gl_InstanceID seams to be always 0 on devices with Adreno 320 (HTC One m7, Android 5.1, driver v95) or 305 (Moto G 2014, Android 6, driver v134 or something like) gpus. With this bug its not possible to make use of hardware instancing. Are there any solutions? 

I'm writing the app with Xamarin OpenTK.


Edit: I'm very sorry. I just did one silly mistake by copying my other code and called the wrong function... Please do not pay any attention to this post!

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