Forums - S615 DTS configuration

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S615 DTS configuration
Join Date: 15 Apr 14
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2015-12-11 15:25
I got my hands on Snapdragon 615 device and noticed cores 0-3 clocked higher than 4-7. I'm assuming it's either SoC specific or kernel DTS configuration specific. Could you confirm this can be configured in whatever fashion OEM wants, I haven't played with other S615 devices hence not sure if this is standard cores configuration or it's just this specific device
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Join Date: 27 Aug 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2018-08-30 12:55
I don't know where else ti post this so sorry if in wrong place. I have a HTC one m8s its hard bricked running Snapdragon 615 I have tried everything and looked everywhere. I need the mmcblk0.img to unbrick it if anyone has or knows where I can get it please let me know. Thanks.
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