Forums - C2D on Adreno

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C2D on Adreno
Join Date: 8 Mar 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2021-07-28 20:16

hello, Qualcomm-man

As we know Adreno support rotation, resizer, flip, color convertion...etc

and we want to know something detail about C2D behavior on Adreno

Q1. the order of processing units inside Adreno. Basically, we hope the behavior could be as below

        crop -> rotate -> resize -> flip/mirror -> color conversion

    it may cause something bad like

        a-1. it's uneasy to do Dptz(digital zoom) if resize is ahead of crop

        a-2. it costs performance if conversion is the first processing unit ( target: resolution switch 4K -> 1080p)  

Q2. if the data delivery between processing units is online(without go through DDR) or offline

Q3. if we can adjust something about resizer like algorithms or coefficients to improve image quality

Many thanks if any useful feedback.

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