Forums - No Adreno Profiler App enabled for Samsung J4 Adreno 308

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No Adreno Profiler App enabled for Samsung J4 Adreno 308
Join Date: 7 Dec 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2020-12-07 06:11


I followed all the steps in the Tutorials (with permission for PROFILER and INTERNET in android manifest) as well as enable adb shell command for debugging.

It says found a device but not andreno profiler app enabled. I make sure to run the app (built with Unity version 2019) after the profiler.

Phone model is Samsung Galaxy J4+ with Adreno 308 Profiler. I use the Adreno Profiler 4.0.

I read in the forum that there are some cases where the phone does not enable Adreno Profiler. Just want to know if this is a case with this phone so i can take another direction with GPU debugging.



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