Forums - What does "XX unresolves" mean ?

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What does "XX unresolves" mean ?
Join Date: 30 Jan 12
Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 2016-11-17 09:34


I have an OpenGLES trace from an Adreno device in which I see messages like :

"8 unresolves"
then later, at frame end :
"36 unresolves"

I searched the help documents but was not able to find what this means, could you explain ?

Thanks !

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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
Location: San Diego
Posts: 110
Posted: Wed, 2017-01-04 14:21

Sorry for the delayed response. Unresolves or GMEM Loads are operations performed by the GPU were memory is Loaded (unresolve) or Stored(resolve) to and from main memory. Unresolves are typically unintentional and can usually be caused by lack of proper hints to the driver and removing them usually results in significant performance increases. Please refer to the Adreno developer guide for more information about Unresolves at

On another note, please make sure you try our new Snapdragon Profiler( will give you more detailed information about your app including the amount of time this unresolves are taking, this will give you a good estimate on what your performance gain will be if removed.

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