Forums - Profiler-enabled app not found

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Profiler-enabled app not found
Join Date: 11 Jun 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2016-07-01 13:19


I installed Adreno Profiler 4.0 (not the adreno sdk, just the profiler) and set all the permissions in my app manifest. Still, profiler cannot connect (ADB: Found a device, but no Adreno Profiler-enabled app. Verify your app is running and netwrok privileges have been enabled in the APK manifest).

Device is a Motorolla G3 (adreno 306) running on API 23. Development environment is Windows 10. App is compiled with API 21.

Does my app need to link with some .so files? Is there some settings or APK I should installed (already did reboot device and adb.exe shell setprop debug.egl.profiler 1)? I noticed there is AdrenoProfilerTools.apk. Should I installed it? Logcat does not show anything either. 

I need your help on this one as  Adreno Profiler is probably the only tool I have to get detailled performance numbers. Or are your performance counter available? If so, is there any documentation on them?


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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
Location: San Diego
Posts: 142
Posted: Wed, 2016-07-06 10:48

Are you starting your app before or after starting Adreno Profiler? If before, try waiting until after profiler is running and you click the Connect button to start your app. Also, if there is any action required before your app creates an OpenGL ES context, you need to perform that action before Profiler will recognize your app.



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