Forums - IDE debugging: missing ADSP subsystem

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IDE debugging: missing ADSP subsystem
Join Date: 13 Nov 13
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2013-12-09 06:53


I'm trying to debug a dynamic library using Eclipse, so I'm following the documentation guide for the Calculator example on the IDE where the steps for setting up a debug configuration with hexagon-gdb are explained. At the point where the target device is set it should also be possible to set ADSP as subsystem but it does not work for me, I reload many times as the documentation says but nothing gets loaded. Can someone please give me a hint?

best regards


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Eric Liang
Join Date: 5 Dec 13
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2013-12-26 01:49

Today I met the same problem.

Moreover, when I run this example from Eclipse IDE, the IDE did not download the file to the board automatically, resulting " not found". Even after I mannually downloaded the to the board, it still failed to find the shared library.

I came here for help. But nothing found....

Could any one help?

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Join Date: 16 Jan 14
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Posted: Mon, 2014-01-20 14:18

I have the same problem.

I'm using SDK 1.1.0. By following the instruction as the document to configure the debugging in Eclipse IDE, up to the point of Debugger -> Connection, the target id shows up, however, the Subsystem and Process name are not shown, even with refreshed. Any help?

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Join Date: 30 Dec 13
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Posted: Tue, 2014-02-11 06:23

I'm having the same issue. It appears to be a segfault when it's trying to query the device (or at least I think that's what it's doing), which may be related to the selected .elf image but I'm not sure on that front.

FYI, there's also a similar thread going at the forum. I posted a LogCat that shows the segfault there:

Anyone have any luck with this?

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Join Date: 30 Dec 13
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Posted: Mon, 2014-03-03 09:05

Update: I installed the latest SDK (1.1.0) version on my DragonBoard with their latest BSP (1.2). I still have the same issue, but the segfault seems to have disappeared. Has anyone made any progress on this issue?

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Join Date: 5 Mar 14
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Posted: Wed, 2014-03-05 14:20


This looks like mismatched LA & ADSP builds.

Can you please try the following and let us know what you see?

1. Make sure the device shows up with adb:

    adb devices

2. Check if the kernel module, rdbg.ko is indeed present on the device:

   adb shell

   ls /system/lib/modules

3. Check to see if the remote_debug_agent is present on the device:

   adb shell

   ls /system/bin

4. If you are using eclipse, then you can skip to step 8. If you want to use command line interface, then continue with next step below.

5. Reboot the device and manually run the following commands in a command window:

   adb root

   adb wait-for-device

   adb shell insmod /system/lib/modules/rdbg.ko

   adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:56283

   adb shell /system/bin/remote_debug_agent

6. If you have the .ko & the agent present, then the only thing that may show you an error is the insmod:

   insmod: init_module 'rdbg.ko' failed (File exists)

   In the above case, it means that the .ko has already been installed. You can do “lsmod” in the adb shell to make sure that rdbg is insmoded in case you see the above error.

7. Open a browser with “localhost:5555” address. This should list the processes (ASID0 & sensors in adsp case) and the port numbers if the device has all the required software.

8. In case you don’t see the processes, then open a new command window & type the following to see if the rdbg driver couldn’t communicate with the adsp kernel:

   adb shell dmesg | grep rdbg

9. Usually, we see one of the 2 messages below when the processes don’t get enumerated:

   If you see a message which says “Couldn’t allocate SMEM buffer”, that means the android build and the ADSP build you have is not compatible.

   If you see a message that says that ADSP side is not open for debug, then it’s an old ADSP build.

Also, can you send us the which is the LA & ADSP build you are using?

One other case I saw recently was, on one of my machines, eclipse was restarting adb server continuously. The way to know if this is the case, is to do adb devices when you have eclipse open. In this case though, eclipse can’t even detect the device. So, I am thinking in your case, given that you see the device but not the processes, this is unlikely to be happening.

Please let me know what you are seeing in your case.



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Join Date: 30 Dec 13
Posts: 26
Posted: Wed, 2014-03-05 14:43

Thanks for the reply, Jay. For the sake of consolidation and so we don't have a duplicate thread going, I'm linking to the thread we have going on We can continue to discuss it there.


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