Forums - Memory allocation Fails with heapid

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Memory allocation Fails with heapid
Join Date: 8 Feb 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2015-02-09 01:37

Hi Folks ,

       I have been using 8084 Dragon Board woth android Kitkat 4.4.4 , Hexagon SDK is 1.2.2 ,


I tries to run sample calculator Program given with SDK  , But it is failing with Error  " Unable to allocate the memory for heap id 22 "  . Heap id - 22 for aDSP of Qualcomm . I did bit of code walk through , It seems FastRPC mem alloc is failing with that heapid -22 .


My Findings :  Raw malloc is working fine  . Only memory aloocation through API  is failing .


Please help me out to resolve this issue .





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