Forums - Adreno Profiler 3.6 and Windows Phone 8

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Adreno Profiler 3.6 and Windows Phone 8
Join Date: 14 Jan 14
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2014-01-20 08:39


what do I need to do to setup a Windows Phone 8 Direct3D App for profiling with Adreno Profiler 3.6?
The only related info I found in the profilers help-file is the section "How To Configure a DirectX App for Profiling" but it does not seem to apply to Windows Phones as the c++ source-files I am supposed to add to the project won't compile for Windows Phone.
D3D11_AP.h wants to include Direct2d-headers, which are not part of the Windows Phone Kit.

What am I missing?

Best regards,


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Dave Astle
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Join Date: 19 Oct 12
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 99
Posted: Mon, 2014-01-20 10:07

The current release only supports Windows RT. Windows Phone support will be included in the next release, scheduled for March.

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