Forums - Shader code wrong on the Adreno GPU

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Shader code wrong on the Adreno GPU
Join Date: 30 May 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2014-05-30 20:44

I'm coding a page curl effect (use libGdx). My code work well on the Mali GPU (Samsung S3), but it wrong on the Adreno GPU (Samsung Ace):

#ifdef GL_ES

precision mediump float;

varying vec2 v_texCoords;

uniform sampler2D sourceTex;
uniform sampler2D targetTex;
uniform float time; // Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0

const float MIN_AMOUNT = -0.16;
const float MAX_AMOUNT = 1.3;
float amount = time * (MAX_AMOUNT - MIN_AMOUNT) + MIN_AMOUNT;

const float PI = 3.141592653589793;

const float scale = 512.0;
const float sharpness = 3.0;

float cylinderCenter = amount;
// 360 degrees * amount
float cylinderAngle = 2.0 * PI * amount;

const float cylinderRadius = 1.0 / PI / 2.0;

vec3 hitPoint(float hitAngle, float yc, vec3 point, mat3 rrotation) {
    float hitPoint = hitAngle / (2.0 * PI);
    point.y = hitPoint;
    return rrotation * point;

vec4 antiAlias(vec4 color1, vec4 color2, float distance) {
    distance *= scale;
    if (distance < 0.0) return color2;
    if (distance > 2.0) return color1;
    float dd = pow(1.0 - distance / 2.0, sharpness);
    return ((color2 - color1) * dd) + color1;

float distanceToEdge(vec3 point) {
    float dx = abs(point.x > 0.5 ? 1.0 - point.x : point.x);
    float dy = abs(point.y > 0.5 ? 1.0 - point.y : point.y);
    if (point.x < 0.0) dx = -point.x;
    if (point.x > 1.0) dx = point.x - 1.0;
    if (point.y < 0.0) dy = -point.y;
    if (point.y > 1.0) dy = point.y - 1.0;
    if ((point.x < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0) && (point.y < 0.0 || point.y > 1.0)) return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    return min(dx, dy);

vec4 seeThrough(float yc, vec2 p, mat3 rotation, mat3 rrotation) {
    float hitAngle = PI - (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) - cylinderAngle);
    vec3 point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, rotation * vec3(p, 1.0), rrotation);

    if (yc <= 0.0 && (point.x < 0.0 || point.y < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0 || point.y > 1.0)) {
        return texture2D(targetTex, v_texCoords);

    if (yc > 0.0) return texture2D(sourceTex, p);

    vec4 color = texture2D(sourceTex, point.xy);
    vec4 tcolor = vec4(0.0);

    return antiAlias(color, tcolor, distanceToEdge(point));

vec4 seeThroughWithShadow(float yc, vec2 p, vec3 point, mat3 rotation, mat3 rrotation) {
    float shadow = distanceToEdge(point) * 30.0;
    shadow = (1.0 - shadow) / 3.0;
    if (shadow < 0.0) shadow = 0.0;
    else shadow *= amount;

    vec4 shadowColor = seeThrough(yc, p, rotation, rrotation);
    shadowColor.r -= shadow;
    shadowColor.g -= shadow;
    shadowColor.b -= shadow;
    return shadowColor;

vec4 backside(float yc, vec3 point) {
    vec4 color = texture2D(sourceTex, point.xy);
    float gray = (color.r + color.b + color.g) / 15.0;
    gray += (8.0 / 10.0) * (pow(1.0 - abs(yc / cylinderRadius), 2.0 / 10.0) / 2.0 + (5.0 / 10.0));
    color.rgb = vec3(gray);
    return color;

vec4 behindSurface(float yc, vec3 point, mat3 rrotation) {
    float shado = (1.0 - ((-cylinderRadius - yc) / amount * 7.0)) / 6.0;
    shado *= 1.0 - abs(point.x - 0.5);

    yc = (-cylinderRadius - cylinderRadius - yc);

    float hitAngle = (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) + cylinderAngle) - PI;
    point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, point, rrotation);

    if (yc < 0.0 && point.x >= 0.0 && point.y >= 0.0 && point.x <= 1.0 && point.y <= 1.0 && (hitAngle < PI || amount > 0.5)){
        shado = 1.0 - (sqrt(pow(point.x - 0.5, 2.0) + pow(point.y - 0.5, 2.0)) / (71.0 / 100.0));
        shado *= pow(-yc / cylinderRadius, 3.0);
        shado *= 0.5;
    } else
        shado = 0.0;

    return vec4(texture2D(targetTex, v_texCoords).rgb - shado, 1.0);

void main(void) {
    const float angle = 30.0 * PI / 180.0;
    float c = cos(-angle);
    float s = sin(-angle);

    mat3 rotation = mat3(
        c, s, 0,
        -s, c, 0,
        0.12, 0.258, 1

    c = cos(angle);
    s = sin(angle);

    mat3 rrotation = mat3(
        c, s, 0,
        -s, c, 0,
        0.15, -0.5, 1

    vec3 point = rotation * vec3(v_texCoords, 1.0);

    float yc = point.y - cylinderCenter;

    if (yc < -cylinderRadius) {
        // Behind surface
        gl_FragColor = behindSurface(yc, point, rrotation);

    if (yc > cylinderRadius) {
        // Flat surface
        gl_FragColor = texture2D(sourceTex, v_texCoords);

    float hitAngle = (acos(yc / cylinderRadius) + cylinderAngle) - PI;

    float hitAngleMod = mod(hitAngle, 2.0 * PI);
    if ((hitAngleMod > PI && amount < 0.5) || (hitAngleMod > PI/2.0 && amount < 0.0)) {
        gl_FragColor = seeThrough(yc, v_texCoords, rotation, rrotation);

    point = hitPoint(hitAngle, yc, point, rrotation);

    if (point.x < 0.0 || point.y < 0.0 || point.x > 1.0 || point.y > 1.0) {
        gl_FragColor = seeThroughWithShadow(yc, v_texCoords, point, rotation, rrotation);

    vec4 color = backside(yc, point);

    vec4 otherColor;
    if (yc < 0.0) {
        float shado = 1.0 - (sqrt(pow(point.x - 0.5, 2.0) + pow(point.y - 0.5, 2.0)) / 0.71);
        shado *= pow(-yc / cylinderRadius, 3.0);
        shado *= 0.5;
        otherColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, shado);
    } else {
        otherColor = texture2D(sourceTex, v_texCoords);

    color = antiAlias(color, otherColor, cylinderRadius - abs(yc));

    vec4 cl = seeThroughWithShadow(yc, v_texCoords, point, rotation, rrotation);
    float dist = distanceToEdge(point);

    gl_FragColor = antiAlias(color, cl, dist);

Error code returned at compile time is:

W/Adreno200-ES20(14787): <process_gl_state_enables:463>: GL_INVALID_ENUM

I spent 2 days but still can not solve this problem. Help me!



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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Tue, 2014-06-03 12:18

Sorry you're having trouble getting your shader to compile.

1) Can you isolate the problem by both simplifing the shader, and providing us with an apk that uses it?

2) We;ve done some testing with the shader code with current drivers on new hardware, and don't seem to be able to reproduce the error you listed.

3) Are you able to try running your app on newer hardware?  The Samsung Ace is a few years old.



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Join Date: 30 May 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2014-06-06 02:48

This code wrong on older hardware (i'm test on the Adreno 200, 203). I 've posted this error on the some forums , someone comment is too big code, too many literals to use ! ?

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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Mon, 2014-06-09 06:45

It's totally possible that the code is too complex for earlier hardware. Is the error message you provided written to the log and/or is there another error report provided when you call glGetShaderinfoLog?


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Join Date: 30 May 14
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2014-06-10 21:04

unfortunately, glgetShaderInfoLog does not return anything!

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