Forums - Adreno Profiler doesn't work with Gear VR

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Adreno Profiler doesn't work with Gear VR
Join Date: 2 Feb 15
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2015-06-01 07:31


I tried profiling my VR game with Adreno Profiler without success.

I'm able to connect to device but when I create a GL Scrubber and try to capture a frame nothing happens. Also no data is shown on Grappher.

Maybe this is somehow related to VR not performing buffer swap and doing soft vsync?





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Join Date: 1 Jul 14
Location: Liverpool
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2015-06-02 03:59


My team has had this problem for ages.

It's particularly bad because VR content requires 60 fps.

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