Forums - adreo profiler 3.8

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adreo profiler 3.8
Join Date: 13 Sep 14
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2014-11-25 05:14

Hi ,

I want to test my u3d adroid app with adreo profiler 3.8, but the device-connection is so difficult, I tried million times but only success once, the tool is good but it is so hard to connect to the device.

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Join Date: 20 Sep 12
Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 2014-12-14 12:15

What exactly about the device-connection is difficult? With ADB running on the same host running the profiler, it should just be a matter of connecting to the device via adb, firing up your app and connecting with the profiler.

Are you running the adb on the same host as the profiler ?
Did you start your app prior to connect with the profiler ?

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