Forums - Question about AI performance of RB5

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Question about AI performance of RB5
Join Date: 5 Oct 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2022-10-19 10:57

Are there any details about how the official AI performance of RB5 are tested? The result is much different from what I have got from my RB5. Especially for the result of DSP (int8). For example, for RestNet50, my test result is 68.8 images/s but the official result is 125.1 inf/s. There are almost 2x speed gap. My results are tested with snpe-benchmark tool and the input resolution is 224x224x3 with batch size 1. I have set it to be run on burst mode. I also test with batch size 4 and it seems that for ResNet50, RB5 cannot really benefit from the large batch size. The speed for batch size 4 even slower than the speed for the batch size 1.

My result:

Models | DSP | G16

ResNet50 | 68.8 | 30.5

RB5 RB5 (images/s)DSPG16ResNet3479.541.2ResNet5068.830.5MobilentV2193.1129.7RepVGG_B0154.254.8EfficientNet_B032.137.5


AI performance from Qualcomm:

Models | DSP | G16

ResNet50 | 125.1 | 37.4

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