Forums - how to modify qtioverlay plugin

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how to modify qtioverlay plugin
Join Date: 22 May 18
Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 2021-04-07 22:13

I am trying to modify the gst_tflite by trying out other types of object detection models. This one in particular: mobile_object_localizer_v1

The issue Im running into is the that this model shows circles with number to show detected objects instead of the bounding blue box. My idea was to just switch models and also the labelmap. However the labelmap for this new model just has one line and when I ran the app just a blue bounding box appears with no information. Im thinking that maybe I have to make some modifications to the qtioverlay to be able to get this new model to ran correctly. Where Can I find the qtioverlay config file to make changes to the overlay. If you can give me in any way to be able to run this model successfully it would help me so much.

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Join Date: 17 Sep 18
Posts: 59
Posted: Fri, 2021-04-09 10:56

Hi Zmonteci,
we are working on your query. will feedback you soon.

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