Forums - Arm64 image build chicdk fails becuse of clang assembler (probably)

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Arm64 image build chicdk fails becuse of clang assembler (probably)
Join Date: 9 Dec 20
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2021-07-07 06:27


Issue description:
I am trying to build an image for QCS610. I'm following instructions in this document:
QCS610/QCS410 Linux Platform Development Kit Software Programming Guide / Build image for 64-bit Arm

The build fails at target chicdk.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 as a host (from a Docker container).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download the latest release tag from chipcode (qcs610-le-1-0_ap_standard_oem-r00119.2).
  2. Download the open-source part from Code Aurora (LE.UM.4.2.3.r1-07900-QCS610.0) using these commands:
        repo init -u -m LE.UM.4.2.3.r1-07900-QCS610.0.xml -b release
        repo sync
  3. Configure the build with qcs-odk-64 machine and qti-distro-fullstack-perf distro.
  4. Set the PREBUILT_SRC_DIR varaible in conf/auto.conf appropriately with full path.
  5. Call bitbake qti-multimedia-image in the build directory.

What went wrong:
The build fails at target chicdk ( I get this error:

| WARNING: /mnt/qualcomm-dev/qcs610-le-1-0_ap_standard_oem-r00119.2-ef6233c298dfa074d01f96a739663c242fe56bb6/apps_proc/build-qti-distro-fullstack-perf/tmp-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/chicdk/0.1-r0/temp/run.do_compile.2112632:1 exit 1 from 'eval ${DESTDIR:+DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} }VERBOSE=1 cmake --build '/mnt/qualcomm-dev/qcs610-le-1-0_ap_standard_oem-r00119.2-ef6233c298dfa074d01f96a739663c242fe56bb6/apps_proc/build-qti-distro-fullstack-perf/tmp-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/chicdk/0.1-r0/build' "$@" -- -j 12'
| ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /mnt/qualcomm-dev/qcs610-le-1-0_ap_standard_oem-r00119.2-ef6233c298dfa074d01f96a739663c242fe56bb6/apps_proc/build-qti-distro-fullstack-perf/tmp-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/chicdk/0.1-r0/temp/log.do_compile.2112632)
ERROR: Task (/mnt/qualcomm-dev/qcs610-le-1-0_ap_standard_oem-r00119.2-ef6233c298dfa074d01f96a739663c242fe56bb6/apps_proc/poky/meta-qti-camera-prop/recipes/camera_backend/ failed with exit code '1'

After inspecting the logs and manually calling the reported command I get errors like this:

/usr/bin/as: unrecognized option '-EL'
clang++: error: assembler command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

As far as I understand, the LLVM toolchain tries to use the wrong assembler for some reason (/usr/bin/as).
I also tried bitbake -k to skip this error, and all other items compiled successfully, but no image was created.

What should have happened:
According to the documentation, images should have been built.

Product version:

Any help as to how to approach this problem is appreciated.


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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Fri, 2022-08-19 07:10

Please follow the build procedure as detailed in reply #4 of this forum:

Also please do not build inside a docker container. Build on the host

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