Forums - Bringup new camera sensor

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Bringup new camera sensor
Join Date: 19 Jan 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-23 18:37


I'm trying to bring up mipi camera based on sony imx335 with QCS410.

I know that imx335 is not included in the list of camera sensors supported by the SDK  you provide. 

So I'm going to do the following to implement the new camera sensor.  (I referred Chapter 7. Bring-up camera functionality in 80-pl631-200_k_qcs610_qcs410_linux_platform_development_kit_software_programming_guide)

1. create sensor driver "imx335_sensor.xml" file.

2. create module configuration "imx335_module.xml" file.

3. change settings in kernel configuration 

4. build buildbins.yaml and include "com.qti.sensormodule.imx335.bin" in product make file 

Does the new camera sensor imx335 work without any problems if I just do the above?

For example, whether the camera preview or snapshot function works well using gstreamer.

Of course, it is assumed that there are no hardware problems.


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