Forums - QCA9377-3 BT5.0 + Android 11

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QCA9377-3 BT5.0 + Android 11
Join Date: 18 Dec 17
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2021-11-03 11:19


I'm using a QCA9377-3 chip (SDIO+UART) and am struggling with getting proper BT5.0 support in Android.

Software setup:

  1. Android 11 (AOSP tag android-11.0.0_r36)
  2. Android standard Bluetooth stack (fluoride)
  3. qcom firmware:  qca9377-lea-3-0_qca_oem r3000037.10

The initialization of the BT chip goes well, download of both fw and nv files is successful.

Then the stack talks to the chip to discover its features/capabilities and that's where it goes bad:

  1. The firmware doesn't seem to reply properly to the HCI_BLE_READ_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH command.
    When issuing that command, the fw respsonse is missing the 8 bytes (4 * uint16_t) values so the stack crashes
  2. The firmware also seems to report a wrong HCI_BLE_READ_DEFAULT_DATA_LENGTH as well (0)

Are those HCI commands supposed to be supported by the r3000037.10 BT firmware?



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