Forums - Support for scan filtering by MAC address

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Support for scan filtering by MAC address
Join Date: 19 Apr 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2021-09-09 15:34


I am working with a device that is configured as a mdm9607 + QCA9377-3 running the LE.UM.1.1 Firmware

I am trying to perform scanning as a GATT Client that is filtered by a list of MAC addresses.

The API provided is:

    /** Setup scan filter params */
    bt_status_t (*scan_filter_param_setup)(btgatt_filt_param_setup_t filt_param);

    /** Configure a scan filter condition  */
    bt_status_t (*scan_filter_add_remove)(int client_ifint actionint filt_type,
                                   int filt_indexint company_id,
                                   int company_id_maskconst bt_uuid_t *p_uuid,
                                   const bt_uuid_t *p_uuid_maskconst bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr,
                                   char addr_typeint data_lenchar* p_dataint mask_len,
                                   char* p_mask);

    /** Clear all scan filter conditions for specific filter index*/
    bt_status_t (*scan_filter_clear)(int client_ifint filt_index);

    /** Enable / disable scan filter feature*/
    bt_status_t (*scan_filter_enable)(int client_ifbool enable);


There is little documentation about setup and usage.

When I setup the addition of a scan filter the callback returns indicating an error.


1) Does the QCA9377 support the scan filter interface

2) Can filtering be perfromed by MAC

3) Are other kind of filtering supported such as by Device Name, Profile UUIDs, ect.. (there seems to be code at the BTIF layer but I can't find docuemntation for the QCA9377 supporting these features

4) Filter index is unknown it is likely a finite number, 0 to N. 0 seems to be the default accept everything filter

5) Common usage example are not available.

Thanks for any help.

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