Forums - BLE access to L2CAP functions

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BLE access to L2CAP functions
Join Date: 18 Jan 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2021-02-01 06:58

I have an application where I need to have access to the lower level BLE routines. For instance I would like to start a timer based on when I write to a characteristic and would like to stop the timer when the low level ACK for the pdu is actually received to know how long it took to get to the central from the peripheral. Is there a way to register a callback with the low level ACK or have access to the event in the current BLE SDK?

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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-30 07:20


One way you can try is use qapi_BLE_GATT_Write_Response

and wait for write response in the callback GATT_ClientEventCallback_BAS (Example callback)


Please see file QCA4020_sdk/target/quartz/demo/QCLI_demo/src/spple/spple_demo.c

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