Forums - QCA4020 WiFi maximum perfomance

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QCA4020 WiFi maximum perfomance
Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Posts: 8
Posted: Fri, 2019-01-25 07:43


I am trying to use the QCA4020 in and our own device.

And I want to have maximum performance from WiFi connection.

Please can you say which parameters I can use for it?


Which maximum value I can set?

May be another parameters existing?

Wich parameters I need set to reach maximum perfomance in RX?

Thank you.

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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
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Posted: Thu, 2019-01-31 12:12

The param "__QAPI_WLAN_PARAM_GROUP_WIRELESS_TX_POWER_IN_DBM" is used for channel transmitting power range.

In order to achive maximum throughput performce from wifi you need to set "__QAPI_WLAN_PARAM_GROUP_WIRELESS_POWER_MODE_PARAMS" and "qapi_Net_Profile_Set_Active".

Use power_Module and power_Mode as below to set "__QAPI_WLAN_PARAM_GROUP_WIRELESS_POWER_MODE_PARAMS" in Maximum Performance mode.
qapi_WLAN_Power_Module_e power_Module = QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODE_MAX_PERF_E = 2 /**< Maximum performance mode that disables both MAC and system power save. */
qapi_WLAN_Power_Mode_e power_Mode = QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_USER_E = 0, /**< If the application requires the system to be in Maximum Performance mode. */

Also, configure Network buffer pools as Maximum. qapi_Net_Profile_Set_Active(QAPI_NET_PROFILE_PREF_E = 1) /**< Maximum throughput (performance) profile.

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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2019-02-20 06:09

Thank you.

Is there a difference between QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_USER_E and QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_PWR_MAX_E modes?

and further:
when I try read  power_Module and power_Mode after power on, I get Power module =   17097716. What it's mean?
When I try set and get parameter __QAPI_WLAN_PARAM_GROUP_WIRELESS_TX_POWER_IN_DBM function qapi_WLAN_Set_Param return QAPI_OK, but function qapi_WLAN_Get_Param return error with code -30001. What happens wrong?
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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
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Posted: Thu, 2019-02-21 16:26

POWER_MODULE comprises of enum values for various WLAN modules that have the ability to request the necessary power mode for their operation. Each of the modules here has the ability to request Power Save mode or Maximum Performance mode.

QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_USER_E = 0 is used incase the application requires the system to be in Maximum Performance mode.

QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_PWR_MAX_E = 10 represents Maximum defined value for modules.

Example :

QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_SOFTAP_E = 3  Power mode set by SoftAP module. Applications must operate in Maximum Performance mode as long as the device is operating in SoftAP mode.

QAPI_WLAN_POWER_MODULE_RAW_MODE_E = 9 Power mode request for sending packets in Raw mode. This is the mode where the application constructs and transmits packets over the WLAN radio, bypassing the IP stack and WLAN MLME layer.

-30001 is generic error where no additional information is available to debug, either issue during configuration or relevant params not set.
You can find more information under wifi_demo.c and Wifi_cmd_handler.c regading the usage.

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