Forums - Urgent, need to fix the Fragattacks in Qualcomm 4004

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Urgent, need to fix the Fragattacks in Qualcomm 4004
Join Date: 24 Sep 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2021-09-24 22:12

Dear QCA4004 Support Team,

We are using 4004 for IOT project, currently we receive a complaint from a big customer requested to fix the Fragattacks issue in Wi-Fi modual or we would need to call back all the IOT product we sold before, beacuse they thought the Fragattacks issue will reflects poorly on their brand.
We are facing the urgent situaltion, hope QCA4004 support team kindly provide the solution, this will help us a lot, we have sold more than 100K pcs products during the past 3 years, we don't want to affect the users' experinece.

We are looking for the patch to fix Fragattack in QUALCOMM 4004, if you have fix the issue, please kindly provide the sourcing.

Best regards,


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Join Date: 27 May 15
Posts: 246
Posted: Mon, 2021-09-27 08:56

Please visit our web site for more resources around QCA4004.

Note the tabs for documentation and software, which could require you to create an account. Hope this helps. 


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