Forums - About "Partly vulnerable to WPA-KRACK"

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About "Partly vulnerable to WPA-KRACK"
Join Date: 13 Sep 15
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2019-10-15 03:09

Dear all

I have a question about "Partly vulnerable to WPA-KRACK". The below message describe the krack.


KRACK is a set of vulnerabilities which are partly in the Wi-Fi standard itself but also specific implementations. It attacks the 4-way handshake of the WPA protocol. This handshake is executed when a station (Wi-Fi client) wants to join a protected Wi-Fi network. It is used to confirm that both the station (STA) and the access point (AP) possess the correct credentials, e.g. a pre-shared key. The WPA-KRACK vulnerability was originally discovered 2017 by Mathy Vanhoef (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), who provides a publicly available test suite at In 2018, new vulnerabilities were disclosed. The test suite contains tests for the original published vulnerabilities and the 2018 published ones.


I want to know whether the SDK of the version QCA4004B had repaired the krack or not. If it had been repaired, please tell me which version is ok. If not, please tell me approximate time when the qualcom developer team will repaire it.


Hope to get your reply.


Best Regards


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