Forums - Failing to send raw packets using ATH_MAC_TX_RAW

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Failing to send raw packets using ATH_MAC_TX_RAW
Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2015-12-21 11:12

I am crafting raw MAC-level packets and using the ATH_MAC_TX_RAW command to send them.  I have a system that monitors for packets and successfully collects packets coming from the target when it's in normal connection mode so I am confident that I can see packets coming out from the target.  But it fails to see any packets coming out of the target in raw mode using either my code or the "wmiconfig --raw" command.  I made sure to set the power mode to MAX_PERF_POWER according to the instructions in the programmer guide.

Do I need to set "wmiconfig --driver raw" to reload the driver in raw mode for ATH_MAC_TX_RAW to work?  I would try it myself except that when I execute that command the target returns with an assertion at "Hcd_Init:1159" which appears to be a SPI initialization problem.  So I would like to know if I need to do this before going down a rabbit trail trying to debug why I get this error.


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Join Date: 23 Oct 15
Posts: 17
Posted: Wed, 2015-12-23 10:09

Here is another data point in case someone decides to provide some advice:

I have verified now that my calls to send raw packets make it all the way down to the driver code including a call to Driver_TxComplete() but nothing is actually transmitted. So I don't think the process is aborting anywhere in the middle.  It's just that no raw packet actually seems to be transmitted despite the ability to transmit normal packets when in a connection-oriented mode.


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