Forums - GT202 on SPI2 Kinetis 65?

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GT202 on SPI2 Kinetis 65?
Join Date: 2 Aug 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2017-06-16 11:47


I'm currently trying to port the gt202_hvac project from a working Freedom Board example which is SPI0 in Kinetis 64 to a platform with SPI2 on Kinetis 65.  It seems to me that the fundamental difference between SPI0 and SPI2 is that the former has a 4 byte FIFO, whereas the SPI2 has a one byte FIFO.  

So far my integration has a functioning SPI conversation between the MCU and the GT202.  In the startup I get to wifi_param_connect.  after that there is no SPI conversation at all.  And I never get the wifi callback...period.  But I do get through intialization, and I can read the firmware version on the part.

Is there any problem with using the SPI with the smaller FIFO?  I'm not concerned with performance.  I just want it to give me basic wifi connectivity.



Eric Texley, Firmware Engineer

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