Forums - GT202 qcom_API on FRDM K22F

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GT202 qcom_API on FRDM K22F
Join Date: 25 Dec 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2016-06-08 01:15

We have built existing mqx(4.1) qcom_api on freescale FRDM-K22F120M board with ARM GCC toolchain 4.9.3.

We wanted to build IoT demo application that collects data from built-in sensors present on FRDM-K22F120M board and have some edge level pre-processing before reporting to cloud. While doing so we couldn't find HTTP client API's to manipulate HTTP headers like x-api-key, Content-type, Headers for method, URLs etc to connect to HTTP server. 

We tried to create TCP client socket conection by referring  throughput_qapi.c and added HTTP headers to make a valid HTTP client request. We used following sequence in a function which is called inside one MQX task in every 1 sec (TCP payload size 662 bytes, buffer alloc size 768 ).

func {

TX:: qcom_socket(); -> qcom_connect(); -> CUSTOM_ALLOC(); -> qcom_send(); -> CUSTOM_FREE();

RX::  A_MALLOC(); -> t_select(); -> qcom_recv();  -> zero_copy_free();



But after running for few secods successfully, it hangs either at qcom_socket() call or qcom_send() call. It takes lot of time and enters into driver ASSERT call. We tried with t_socket() , t_connect(),  t_send() API's . Results are same.

We need one sample high throughput TCP client source or HTTP client with Header options enabled.

Please help.




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