Forums - Running a custom App on QCA4004 in Hostless mode

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Running a custom App on QCA4004 in Hostless mode
Join Date: 24 Jan 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2016-03-17 09:13


We would like to create a custom application and run it on QCA4004 in hostless mode (the application will use the component's WiFi of course).

We understood from the datasheet that the QCA4004 uses external SPI flash and executes the code from its RAM after reading it from the external flash (is that right?)

It leads us to couple of questions:

  1. What are the limitations for the custom App size? (maximal supported size for App / RAM usage for variables etc)
  2. How much RAM does the QCA4004 has and what part of it is available for the custom App? (The only info about RAM in the datasheet says 8kB RAM as part of the wake-up manager)

We would appreciate your help,



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Join Date: 19 Feb 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2017-02-21 17:28

Any more information on this question?

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Join Date: 14 Jan 16
Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 2017-10-01 20:12

Dear Customer,

We understood from the datasheet that the QCA4004 uses external SPI flash and executes the code from its RAM after reading it from the external flash (is that right?)

ANS: QCA4004 is an SOC in hostless mode and external spi flash is reserved by default use for customize.

It leads us to couple of questions:

What are the limitations for the custom App size? (maximal supported size for App / RAM usage for variables etc)
How much RAM does the QCA4004 has and what part of it is available for the custom App? (The only info about RAM in the datasheet says 8kB RAM as part of the wake-up manager)

ANS: On QCA4004 there is total 448Kb RAM available.
QCA4004 96KB for Instruction ROM and 96KB for Data RAM, other 256KB configurable RAM bank (in 32-Kbyte blocks) for either data or instruction.
There are a total of 8 32KB banks that can be switched between Instructions (IRAM) and Data (DRAM). Default is 1 bank of IRAM and 7 banks of DRAM.

# Number of configurable 32KB banks for use as Instruction RAM.
# There are a total of 8 32KB banks that can be switched between
# Instructions (IRAM) and Data (DRAM).
# Default is 1 bank of IRAM and 7 banks of DRAM.

You can also check how much ram your application is consuming with following cmd:
target/image# xt-size iot_demo.out
   text       data        bss        dec        hex    filename
 146962       3616      13176     163754      27faa    iot_demo.out


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