Forums - CSR8675 Custom GATT Service

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CSR8675 Custom GATT Service
Join Date: 7 Dec 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2020-12-07 19:45

Using  ADK_CSR867x.WIN4.3.0.29 on a project foked form apps/sink

Question 1.
I just enabled GATT and I cannot see default service 1A00 on mty android BTLE scanner. ANy idea.
I stepped trough the code and all GAT + GAP looks it starts just fine.

Question 2.

I am following  a guideline I found online at

The init function GattSPPCServiceServerInit() get's 2 HANDLER_ID's.
For existent default built in service they are defined in  sink_gat.db like HANDLE_IMM_ALERT_SERVICE_END for example.
What values do I pick for my GATT servicve, because looks like the GattManagerRegisterServer()
Looksup the ids in the server database and fails if the id;s are not in the range.

Thank you.






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Join Date: 11 Nov 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2021-01-18 06:47

Hi, After couple of days I figure it out the hard way.. I have the GATT working.

The ADK source code is a mess of spagetty code with data and structures
all over the place.  I guess the BLE was never tested , though it doe not work
in  either of the samples.  The IDE is a nightmare, crashes every 5 minutes...
I reinstalled 100 times, This web is also a mess is jumping in the browser hardly
you can click on a link,
If I get a notification from the forum, I cannot read it, it says 'access denied'.
I'll guess Ill never ever choose  a Qualcom chip in the future. BAd SDK, Bad support,
non existent community, closed and restricted information.


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