Forums - CSR1010 EEPROM access and boot

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CSR1010 EEPROM access and boot
Join Date: 14 Sep 16
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2016-10-27 03:14

Hello all!

I need to make CSR1010 work with our own I2C slave and I have several questions:

1. Which I2C slave EEPROM address does the CSR1010 look for to start a boot process?

2. what is the exact startup sequence? (including when SPI is not found, which is not mentioned in diagrams)

2. what happens if no reply from EEPROM is received right away? what if it's available only some time later? 

3. what is the maximum image size the CSR1010 might require? is it the same size the eeprom must support (and no more)?

4. if the image is not maximal (for instance, last written address is X), does it read only up to address X, or should I expect it to read from the entire EEPROM, or the entire maximal image size?

5. without explicit memory access written in the program code, does the CSR require any additional access to the EEPROM after startup is compete? can we assume no additional access is made until next boot?

6. how do I know startup is finished, and CSR will not send any more commands to the eeprom?

7. how do I know CSR needs to access the EEPROM at startup?


Thank you very much, in advance!


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