Forums - DEBUG_MISO goes high after setting SPI_PIO# to high

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DEBUG_MISO goes high after setting SPI_PIO# to high
Join Date: 15 Jun 16
Location: Mumbai
Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 2016-10-05 09:00


I am trying to bring-up my cusom PCB which uses CSR1010. I programm CSR using CSR USB to SPI board. 

I have brought out CSR Debug pins to a connector as per CSR application guidelines. 

Here are voltage readings from CSR (VDD_BAT is 3.0V) :

  1. VDD_REG_IN is 1.38V
  2. VDD_CORE is 1.21V
  3. Both clock in pins (16MHz and 32.768kHz) have correct clock inputs

While programming the CSR or reading it using e2cmd.exe I get error : Error detecting chip type.

Looking at debug signals it seems DEBUG_MISO is the cause. If all pins except DEBUG_MISO are connected to the USB to SPI board and SPI_PIO# is LOW the DEBUG_MISO is LOW but when SPI_PIO# is set to HIGH the DEBUG_MISO goes HIGH. 

So when DEBUG_MISO is connected to the USB to SPI board it doesn't show any reply signal from CSR. 

What could be causing this issue? 




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