Forums - Turn on/off BLE encryption

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Turn on/off BLE encryption
Join Date: 18 Aug 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2016-08-18 11:46
We are using a Nordic (nRF Sniffer) that seems to lose track of packets as soon as encryption turns on
and results with bad MIC messages. How do we get this to work?
Is there a way to turn off encryption for debugging and testing purposes?
Can somebody reconmend a better sniffer or a work around for this problem?
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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Posted: Thu, 2016-08-18 13:25

Security can be turned on and off based on the definition in the project. 

What is bad MIC messages?

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Join Date: 18 Aug 16
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2016-08-19 10:14

The BLE sniffer displays output using Wireshark. Every non-empty packet following the LL_START_ENC_REQ packet shows the message, "Encrypted packet decrypted incorrectly (bad MIC)".  MIC is an acronym for "Message Integrity Check".

How can encryption be turned off? I've searched the API functions and could not find anything for that.

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