Forums - Calibration of 16MHz crystal

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Calibration of 16MHz crystal
Join Date: 29 Jul 16
Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 2016-08-11 11:42

Documentation suggests that the 16MHz crystal trim process should be performed while measuring a 2.4GHz RF output. Yet it is possible to route the 16MHz oscillator to a PIO pin using PioSetAnaMonClk(pio_ana_clk_16M). Since the RF output on a given channel should be a fixed multiple of the 16MHz oscillator it seems to me that the crystal could be trimmed by monitoring the 16MHz signalon a PIO pin, rather than the RF signal.

Is this the case? If so, should the crystal be trimmed to exactly 16.0000MHz, or some slightly different frequency?

Regards - Charles

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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Posted: Thu, 2016-08-11 12:54

How you route the 16Mhz to PIO ? 

And why not use RF for that ? 

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Join Date: 29 Jul 16
Posts: 25
Posted: Thu, 2017-06-29 03:28

I have tuned a number of boards to give the correct 2.4GHz frequency as measured by a spectrum analyser. In each case the 16MHz crsytal frequency (routed to a PIO pin and measured with a low-frequency digital counter) was 15.99985MHz.

This what I would expect: a phase-locked loop frequency synthesiser multiplies the low frequency by a rational number (n/m) and so the 2.4GHz frequency to crystal frequency ratio should always be the same.

I postulate that RF tuning can be done with only an inexpensive frequency counter, setting the crystal to 15.99985MHz.

Any comments?

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