Forums - Change name of device

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Change name of device
Join Date: 16 Jul 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2016-07-16 06:15

I wish to determine my own connection name (UUID) for the bluetooth CSR1010 or CSR1012. May someone tell me how to do this? I couldn't find no reference to this in the data sheets. Thanks.

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Posted: Tue, 2016-07-19 01:55

Bluetooth LE peripherals and beacons "advertise" their presence by broadcasting packets on special frequencies.

The advertisement packet may contain a Name field, a UUID field and some other things. Name is not the same as UUID. These are all configured by the firmware calling LsStoreAdvScanData(). Additionally, the Device Name is available as a GATT Database characteristic once you are connected to a Central device (e.g. a phone). Unfortunately, many of the examples in the CSR SDK don't link these data together so it's not obvious that changing one should change the other...

Hope this helps!



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Dr. Nissim Zur
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Join Date: 6 Jun 16
Location: Skype: nissim.test CSR1010 External design house
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Posted: Sat, 2016-07-23 00:58

You can change the advertising name by changing the name 

see CSR_uEnergy_SDK-2.5.1\apps\health_thermometer\gap_service.c 

 /* Default device name - Added two for storing AD Type and Null ('\0') */ 

uint8 g_device_name[DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 2] = {
'C', 'S', 'R', ' ', 'T', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'm', 'o', 'm', 'e', 't', 'e', 'r', '\0'};
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