Forums - SP144 software footprint

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SP144 software footprint
Join Date: 26 Nov 14
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2015-05-13 13:09

How much space should be reserved in the Host for firmware updates to the SP144?

What is the biggest size it might eventually be?  512kBytes?

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Join Date: 10 Oct 14
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Posted: Wed, 2015-05-13 13:23

No space is required in the Host for SP144 firmware upgrades. All the space required is within the SP144. Based on  the size of the flash associated to SP144, we will be able to support a specific number of partitions. Typical size of each partition is 256K.





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Join Date: 26 Nov 14
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2015-05-13 14:32


I assume you mean that if we're using OTA firmware upgrades then the host would not need to store the SP144 firmware.

In our case our office communicates to our device through the SP144 via WiFi, but the host processor in our device manages the communications and our office servers may not be able to support the OTA firmware update protocol for the SP144 directly.

Normally we would download firmware images for peripherals to the host processor, then the host processor would upgrade the firmware to the peripheral (in this case the SP144) in an offline fashion after the communication session with the office servers had ended.

I assume we could do this (upgrade the firmware in teh SP144) via the SPI bus???

So if a partition is 256k, what is the max number of partitions?

The datasheet for the SP144 seems to indicate there is a 4Mbit (512Mbyte) external Flash in the SP144.  That's why I was guessing 512Mbyte.  Are you saying there are options to put a bigger flash on the SP144?

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