Forums - Firmware upgrade - custom code

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Firmware upgrade - custom code
Join Date: 10 Mar 14
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2014-10-03 05:31


I am writing my own driver - not for Freescale chip. I have a problem with upgrading firmware on the SP141 module. I am using function similar to BMIWriteMemory(A_VOID *pCxt, A_UINT32 address, A_UCHAR *buffer, A_UINT32 length), but I do not know what the address is. The .bin file is already loaded in my MCU RAM, so I do not want to use host.exe program to upgrade firmware (in example the address is sent from PC via COM port). After sending one chunk of .bin data to 0x00000000 address, the chip freezes and I no longer get available credits in BMI mode. The BMI after reset is initialized correctly, similarly as in SDK examples. I can read firmware version in BMI mode. Could anyone tell me what is the start address for firmware in memory?





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Join Date: 7 Apr 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2016-12-20 10:33

Was there ever any resolution on this?

I have run into the same issue while using host.exe, but host.exe should know what address to use, so I'm wondering if there is something else that could be preventing the bmi credit count from being incremented.


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