Forums - Problems accessing LED2 and SW in SP140 board

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Problems accessing LED2 and SW in SP140 board
Join Date: 27 May 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2014-06-06 16:34


I am still working with SP140+141 platform and now I need to use the sensors present in the board. I can turn on/off LED1 using both the lightweigth GIO API from MQX and also using ioctl (more painful, but works as well).

But I cannot turn on/off LED2 and I cannot use SW1 and SW2. I guess the definitions of pins are incorrect.

Did anyone ever used both LEDs and the switches? Do you know where I can find the schematics, so I can confirm the pins that are connected to LED2 and SW1 and SW2?

Thank you very much

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