Forums - Error in documentation "Installation and Configuration Guide"

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Error in documentation "Installation and Configuration Guide"
Join Date: 27 May 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2014-05-30 17:45

I am working with the SP140/SP141 platform and just notice that there is an error on the "SP140/SP141 Development Kit Installation and Configuration Guide".

I am using the recommended J-Link debugger from Segger and it seems that we need to use their Flashloader in order to flash and debug the board. The error in the documentation is on page 22 (section 4.4). The upper figure says that we must check "Use flash loader" checkbox, where in fact by doing that I get error messages from J-Link programmer. According to Segger's documentation, we must disable this option in order to debug using J-Link's flashloader.

If anyone encounters a problem while using debugger, try to deselect that option.


Pedro Henrique Gomes

[email protected]

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