Forums - File missing for AllJoyn Demo

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File missing for AllJoyn Demo
Join Date: 27 May 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2014-05-30 11:01


I am testing the SP140+141 platform and trying to run the AllJoyn Demo that comes with the Platform Dev Kit.

One of the step required for running the demos is the execution of a batch file called "prepare_app.bat", which is supposed to set up the environment for BSP, PSP and application compliation. For Throughput Demo and AllJoyn Demo it searches file "a_config.h_default", which does not exist. If we read carefully the document "SP141_Install_Config_Guide.pdf" we will see that the figure on page 14 shows an error message saying that the required cannot be found.

I am using the same "a_config.h" file suggested for P2P demo and I can compile the code for AllJoyn Demo, but I am not sure if things will work out correctly. Is anyone aware of this "bug" and know the consequences.

Thank you

Pedro Henrique Gomes

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epawlak Moderator
Join Date: 18 Feb 14
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2014-06-06 08:12

Please follow the directions carefuly from the documentation.

There are a few steps need the extra attention from the user.

1.        All the steps must be followed strictly according to the documentation.

2.       The installation folder must be “C:\Freescale\Freescale_MQX_4_0” as indicated in the document.

3.       When preparing the build environment for the different demo(throughput, p2p and Alljoyn) by executing “prepare_app.bat”,  it has to be run with administrator privilege and IAR IDE must be closed( to avoid the file access be futex by IDE and prepare_app.bat) so the a_config.h can be copied successfully.

4.       It looks like IAR can’t detect the recursive head file modification so to trigger the recompilation, which means we need recompile all the basic components manually by using “rebuild all” not “make”. Otherwise the user will see the linker error. 

Generally, this user can copy “a_config.h” manually as soon as the compilation is successful. 

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Join Date: 27 May 14
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2014-06-06 16:29

Hi epawrak,

The problem I found was the fact that the file a_config.h_default required by prepare_app.bat (option 4 - AllJoyn demo) does not exist. But, if you run prepare_app.bat with option 3 and execute AllJoyn demo it works with no problem (at least it is working for me).

Probably this file a_config.h_default is missing from AllJoyn demo package.

It is good that you warned about restarting IAR after executing prepare_app.bat. I will be careful with that.


Thank you for your help

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