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<core_glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES:711>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
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Join Date: 16 Apr 13
Posts: 56
Posted: Sat, 2013-09-28 06:26


I get this error whenever I try to upload a compressed texture (ETC1) into a 2D texture array on Adreno 320 (Nexus 4)

<core_glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES:711>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION

I searched on the forum, and it seems Qualcom hasn't even implemented this (compressed texture updates that is) for standard 2D textures so I guess it's the same problem, now for 2D Texture Arrays as well. It's kind of a bummer though as this is the ONLY WAY to upload texture slices into a 2D texture array using a compressed format, so like how come is this unsupported if it's a standard function from OpenGL ES 3 ?



To add insult to injury, glCompressedTexImage3D doesn't work either and prints :

<core_glCompressedTexImage3DOES:638>: GL_INVALID_OPERATION

I thought I'd rather send all the array in one blow, but no, that doesn't work either. This seems to be a different issue though as not even AMD drivers accept compressed 2D texture arrays based on the argument that block compression defines the compression of a 2D image, not a 3D one, but hey, now I know there's no way to upload compressed texture arrays to Adreno 320...

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