Forums - OpenGL ES 1.1 Float vs Fixed battle

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OpenGL ES 1.1 Float vs Fixed battle
Krzysztof I
Join Date: 24 Nov 11
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2011-11-24 13:46

Hello Everybody,

Is it possible to mix float anf fixed OpenGL ES 1.1 calls ?? What are the results ?? Does OpenGL ES 1.1 have information about its default working type (float or fixed) ? Should we perform all operations or fixed or float and don't mix calls ? Fast example:

Default OpenGL ES 1.1 GL_PROJECTION matrix is identity. But if there is performed some operation, ex. glDrawArrays with vertex type as fixed, then read GL_PROJECTION matrix through glGetFloatv or glGetIntegerv the matrix is diagonal with 32767 value in diagonal.

So OpenGL ES 1.1 switches dynamicaly between data type modes ? 

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Mon, 2011-11-28 15:31

glGetFloatv seems to be defined to return floating point values only (and glGetIntegerv returns integers). Can you show what code you are using so we can test this on our side?


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