Forums - From PowerVR to Adreno

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From PowerVR to Adreno
Join Date: 23 Mar 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2011-04-19 08:49

Our OpenGL ES 1.1 application  works smoothely on  PowerVR 3D accelerator (iPhone 3GS, Samsung Galaxy S I9000), but we'got a low FPS on the adreno 205 device (HTC Desire A8181). 

Scenes have 60% static two layered geometry (lightmap + diffuse) 30% dynamic geometry also two-layered and 10% additive blended billboards. Sometimes big explosions which makes almost full screen alpha  quads.

We converted all textures to ATITC compression format but performance is still low.

So I want to try some optimisations:

- Render in to passes only Z buffer first and then color buffer using prepared Z

- Move most geometry to VBO

-Prepare geometry using QSort

-Sort  from front to back 

-Give me another advice

Which of this optimisations will makes the most effect on the performance, what should I test at first?

Does the OpenGL ES 1.1 wrapper makes sufficient impact on performance?





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