Forums - Adreno 330: clFinish() blocks if openCl writes in 511th variable

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Adreno 330: clFinish() blocks if openCl writes in 511th variable
Join Date: 5 Apr 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2013-04-22 04:43

Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying to execute some native OpenCl algorithms on an Adreno 330 device. Code is auto generated and use a lot of private variables. Smaller algorithms are fine, but I'm having trouble with bigger ones. I've managed to reduce the code and to get a small (and dumb) example which blocks during execution.

Here is a pseudo-code of what I'm trying to do:

input = 1000;

// OpenCL code

Algo(Input, Output) {

int v1,v2,...,v511,v512,v513,v514;

v511 = 1;

output = input;


// End of OpenCl


print output


If in my OpenCl code I'm trying to write in the 511th or the 512th private variable, clFinish() blocks and never returns. If I write in v510 or v513, the execution is fine. If I declare variables as __local, the execution is fine too (but this is not a valid solution for my needs).

Attached is the host.c and I use for my tests.

Thank you for your help !

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Vincent StreamC...
Join Date: 4 Jan 13
Location: Haarlem
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2013-05-30 14:18

Checked CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE? What did it say? Is sizeof(int)*512 smaller?

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