Forums - Framebuffer texture not preserved if larger than 256x256

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Framebuffer texture not preserved if larger than 256x256
Join Date: 31 Jan 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2013-01-31 03:55


I came across this problem on a Nexus One with an Adreno 200, running Android 2.3.6. This has been tested in other Android devices without problems including an HTC Desire S with an Adreno 205 chip.

If a framebuffer with a texture larger than 256x256 is created and used as an offscreen texture (in order to be updated across multiple frames), its contents appear trashed on each new frame.

The code is plain vanilla OpenGL ES2.0 code for creating a color-only framebuffer and blitting there. I do not call glClear() after the glBindFramebuffer() for the framebuffer or it would erase the frame which is not desired - the idea is to accumulate into the texture across frames.

I found that textures of any size smaller than 256x256 work without problems: their contents are preserved across frames.

Do you know if this is a known behavior of the chip? Is there any workaround for this problem?

Thanks for any info - not being able to use offscreen accumulation textures is quite a problem for this project...

Best Regards, Jorge

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