Forums - Adreno profiler and GLES 2.0

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Adreno profiler and GLES 2.0
Join Date: 20 Aug 10
Location: Poland
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2010-12-29 11:48

Is there any way to profile gles 2.0 context using adreno profiler (version 2.2.3881.29277) ?

My engine may create gles 1.x renderer or 2.0 renderer, the first one is easily profilable, but when i chose to render using gles 2.0 I cannot connect (the activity is not shown in the connect window). Do I need to do somethin special to profile 2.0 enabled context ? (I'm profiling on nexus one if that matters)


Thanks for info!

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-03 16:20

You should be able to profile with a GLES 2.0 context with your device.  Can you describe what happens when you do the following:

1. Open Profiler

2. Launch the app

3. Connect

4. Open a scrubber 2.x window

And report what you see happening from the Connect window?


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Join Date: 20 Aug 10
Location: Poland
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2011-01-03 22:49

1] I'v opened the profiller

2] I'v lunched the app (my app or neocore, does not matter)

3] I CANNOT connect from profiller, the connection window is empty :)


If i run GLES 1.x based app it shows nicellyin connection window, any ideas ?

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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2011-01-04 15:28

Can you try scrubbing your application that you can connect to with a 2.x scrubber?  Even though it is an opengl 1.x application the 2.x scrubber should still work.  There's a possibility that your application does not have the internet permissions enabled in the Android manifest.  This will prevent profiler from connecting.  Neocore is a 1.x app itself, so, I don't think this is related to the opengl version.  I seem to recall the copy of Neocore from the marketplace did not have permissions enabled so this would be consistent with your problem.  If you look for manage applications in your Android menu you should be able to check whether an application has these permissions are enabled or not.If not, could you possibly provide a sample .apk which is not working?

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Join Date: 20 Aug 10
Location: Poland
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2011-01-05 12:58


Adding network permissions to activity manifest resolved things out.

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