Forums - anim file format used in skinning andreno SDK samples

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anim file format used in skinning andreno SDK samples
Join Date: 29 Nov 10
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2010-12-07 00:26


What kind of file format is the .anim file provided in the Andreno skinning demo ?

It's a binary file format. An anim loader is provded in Mesh.cpp but I still have to do some reverse to understand the file strucutre.

Thank you for your response,


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Join Date: 15 Nov 10
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2010-12-15 04:00


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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2011-01-04 14:51

The .anim format is an unsupported format for animation that is only used by the Skinning sample in the Adreno SDK.  It is not meant to be a standard or part of any asset pipeline.  The point of the demo is to show how skinning is done on the GPU.  The .anim file just contains the rotations of each bone for each animation frame.  The important part of the demo is taking the bone rotation information and passing it to the vertex shader for skinning.



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