Forums - Object detection/tracking

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Object detection/tracking
Join Date: 2 Dec 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2011-12-12 07:32

hi there,

i'm trying to find a way, to detect (and maybe also track) small, organic shaped objects in a reliable way. unfortunately their surface doesn't have much contrasty featurepoints, so the AR SDK wasn't much of help.

fastCV's object recognition sounds interesting, but i failed in setting it up and i couldn't find sample applications. is it possible to use fastCV for this kind of purpose?

i was thinking about using the shape of the object's silhouette to do the recognition.

any help is much appreciated. thanks.


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Join Date: 25 May 10
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2011-12-15 11:10


Have you downloaded and installed the FastCV SDK? It comes with sample application that you can use as a reference in building your CV application. Can you please clarify what error you got when you tried to set it up?


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Join Date: 2 Dec 11
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2011-12-23 02:08


when i was trying, there was only one demo (featurepoint detection). i just saw, that with recent versions, newer demos are included. i'll try to have a look at them soon.


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