Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification
Snapdragon® Telematics Application Framework (TelAF) Interface Specification Documentation

The TelAF services provide rich-featured interface access to the system and the modem resources:

The TelAF platform services supply the access to the system and the modem resources with more granularities:

Location: $TELAF_ROOT/interfaces

To include the .api file in the components of the applications and bind the APIs in the application's .adef files, please follow the service API Guide.

Service API Guide API Reference File Name Description
Application Management Application Management Service taf_appMgmt_interface.h taf_appMgmt.api Controls and obtain information about applications
Audio Audio Service taf_audio_interface.h taf_audio.api Handles audio interfaces to play and record supported formats
CAN CAN Service taf_can_interface.h taf_can.api Manages CAN interfaces
Data Call Data Call Service taf_dcs_interface.h taf_dcs.api Manages data calls and data profiles
Diagnostic Diag Data ID Service taf_diagDataID_interface.h taf_diagDataID.api Manages data identifiers with DataID
Diag Reset Service taf_diagReset_interface.h taf_diagReset.api Manages resets of the server with ECUReset
Diag Routine Control Service taf_diagRoutineCtrl_interface.h taf_diagRoutineCtrl.api Handles routine control requests
Diag Security Service taf_diagSecurity_interface.h taf_diagSecurity.api Handles security access requests
Diag Update Service taf_diagUpdate_interface.h taf_diagUpdate.api Handles transfer requests
eCall eCall Service taf_ecall_interface.h taf_ecall.api Automotive accident assistance program
FS-Crypt FS-Crypt Service taf_fsc_interface.h taf_fsc.api Encrypts the directories in UBFS or the UBIFS volumes
GPIO GPIO Service taf_gpio_interface.h taf_gpio.api Controls general-purpose digital input/output pins
Health Monitor Health Monitor Service taf_hms_interface.h taf_hms.api Monitors the health status of the system
Key Store Key Store Service taf_ks_interface.h taf_ks.api Trusted hardware bound cryptography operations
Location Positioning taf_locPos_interface.h taf_locPos.api Accesses to the device's physical position and movement information
Location Service taf_locGnss_interface.h taf_locGnss.api GNSS device control
MRC MRC Service taf_mrc_interface.h taf_mrc.api Handles MRC operations
Network Network Service taf_net_interface.h taf_net.api Manages network configurations
Firmware and Software Update Update Service taf_update_interface.h taf_update.api Handles SOTA
Firmware Update Service taf_fwupdate_interface.h taf_fwupdate.api Handles FOTA
Flash Access Service taf_flash_interface.h taf_flash.api Flashes MTD partitions or UBI volumes
Power Management Power Management Service taf_pm_interface.h taf_pm.api Device power management
Radio Radio Service taf_radio_interface.h taf_radio.api Radio controls
Sim SIM Service taf_sim_interface.h taf_sim.api Manages SIM configurations
Remote SIM taf_simRsim_interface.h taf_simRsim.api Manages remote SIM configurations
Remote SIM Profile taf_simRsp_interface.h taf_simRsp.api Manages remote SIM profile
SIM Access Profile taf_simSap_interface.h taf_simSap.api Manages communication through RSIM about SIM I/O
SMS SMS Service taf_sms_interface.h taf_sms.api Handles SMS operations
SOME/IP GatewaySOME/IP Gateway Client Service taf_someipClnt_interface.h taf_someipClnt.api Enables the application to serve as a SOME/IP client
SOME/IP Gateway Server Service taf_someipSvr_interface.h taf_someipSvr.api Enables the application to serve as a SOME/IP server
Thermal Management Thermal Management Service taf_therm_interface.h taf_therm.api Manages thermal on the device
Voice Call Voice Call Service taf_voicecall_interface.h taf_voicecall.api Handles voice calling

Core Daemons APIs describe the core daemon services in the framework.

Managed Services describe the business scenario orientied managed TelAF services which supply simplified interfaces for usage.

Legato APIs includes APIs from Legato.

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