Forums - Adreno Profiler could connect but no information was got.

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Adreno Profiler could connect but no information was got.
Join Date: 26 Jan 12
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2012-02-15 00:14

Now I try to get profile shader program with Xperia arc(Android version 2.3.4).

My app called OpenGLES2.0 shader with native function, and have permission INTERNET.

My environment was as below.

- Adreno Profiler version 2.6.4366.28301.

- WIndows 7 64bit

- Radeon HD 6450 (Catalyst version 12.1)

- Android SDK r16, NDK r7

My steps was below.

1. Launch Adreno Profiler.

2. Launch my app.

3. Push "Connect.." button and shows only my app on the list.

4. Select my app and push "Connect".

5. Show  "Connected to xx.xx.myapp on" on status bar.

6. There is no information on Browsers(Metrics Browser, Textures Browser and so on) and Shader Viewers.

I tried to..

-  turn off Windows Firewall and the virus buster application.

- replace my app with BasicGLSurfaceView Android sample.

But all of them caused no change.

I checked on /system/lib/egl.Therefore device supports Adreno Profiler I think.

Could you tell what I should do?






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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Wed, 2012-02-15 07:47

I'm going to start with the obvious, since you gave a detailed account of the steps you took, and this wasn't part of them: did you create a Scrubber 2.x window, and capture a frame?

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