Forums - Can not connect to profiler by HTC Rezound

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Can not connect to profiler by HTC Rezound
Join Date: 6 Feb 12
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2012-02-07 22:13


I could connect to Adreno Profiler by HTC sensation, Gingerbread.

 However, we still have difficulties to connect HTC Rezound to Adreno profiler.


If it is ok, would you briefly explain the concept of profiler connection establishment? For example, does it need the support from both adb connection and socket connection over USB?



We got similar problem when we tried to connect Rezound device to some other tools, and ssh does not work on Rezound either.


If you could provide some more information about how the profiler establish the connection, it would give us some clues to fix it.


Thanks a lot.




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[email protected] (not verified)
Posted: Wed, 2012-02-08 15:44


Hi Derek,

We've tested Profiler with Rezound and didn't have any issues with it. Profiler uses sockets over adb to communicate over USB. If your app isn't showing up, here are some things to try:

  • Make sure USB drivers for your device have been installed (verify that the device shows up when you run "adb devices")
  • Make sure you don't have other instances of adb running
  • Be sure to enable USB debugging on your phone
  • Make sure your app has internet permissions set
  • Try launching other OpenGL ES applications to see if they appear


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