Forums - Adreno 2.3 Constantly Hanging

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Adreno 2.3 Constantly Hanging
Join Date: 11 Mar 11
Location: UK
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2011-04-05 05:42

I'm trying to profile my game code running on a HTC Desire with the adreno profiler version 2.3, but the profile constantly hangs after I capture a frame using the Srubber v2.x. So to re-cap, I can connect to my device and game code, can select a scrubber and then press Capture Frame. I actually get to see my textures in the texture browser, see my game frame and render call list, but cannot interact with the profiler, it just hangs and eventually closes itself.

I get the same effects trying to profile other games. I have ran the profiler on various machines, Vista and Windows 7, each having pretty upto date graphics cards, admittedly nVidia cards. On all machines I get the same hang/crash problem.

Desperate to try and get this working, really like what I have seen with the profiler so far and feel it could help me no end, any help greatly appreciated.

The game btw is predominately Java(little native stuff) and is a 3D OpenGL ES 2.0 based sports game, using shaders throughout.


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Join Date: 11 Mar 11
Location: UK
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2011-04-07 05:06

Have tried profiling on a PC with a ATI FireGL V5100 graphics card but still experience the same problems as outlined in the origonal post.






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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Thu, 2011-07-07 14:20


Hi Giles, have you tried updating your graphics drivers and / or updating to the latest version of Adreno Profiler (2.4) on QDevNet and trying again?  We'd like to see if any of our fixes were able to assist you.


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