Forums - Problem with qstrip

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Problem with qstrip
Join Date: 1 Jun 10
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-12 11:31

Hi everyone, i have a problem with the Qstrip library. I am doing an application that uses this library but i have a problem to compile my project. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and when I compile the project I get one error that it says me that it can´t open QstripC.h when put it in my project with all the other sources and headers. Can someone help me and tell me what am I doing wrong?. Thanks.

Sorry for my english.

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Anonymous (not verified)
Posted: Tue, 2010-09-14 17:27

Hi Borja,

It sounds like the trouble you're having is that the header file cannot be read by your project.  Although the header file may physically be in your project, are your include paths set up properly to look for the QstripC.h file?  This is usually found in the Project Properties under C/C++, Additional Include Directories.



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Join Date: 1 Jun 10
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 04:27

Hi, thanks for the reply. That is not the problem because I have all the sources inside my project, all the headers and all the cpp (Qstrip.h, QtripC.h... and Qstrip.cpp, QstripC.cpp). The problem is very strange because I tried another solution making a static library. I could do the compilation but then when I linked this library into my project, I had a lot of errors.

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Steve L (not verified)
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 10:17


I tried to replicate your issue:

- Opened the QStrip project and built all libraries

- Created a new console application

- Copied the header files into my new project in a "qstrip" folder

- Set up the C++ include path to include the "qstrip" folder

- Copied the Lib folder from QStrip into my project

- Added Lib/Debug to my C++ linker paths

- Added qstrip_d.lib to my Additional Dependencies in the Linker settings

In my main.cpp, I included "QstripC.h" and did some basic calls into the QStrip library.

I was able to build and run just fine.  Can you see if you missed any of the steps above, and if not, can you explain what the major errors were?



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Join Date: 1 Jun 10
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2010-09-18 03:17

Thanks for all, I have followed your steps and now it´s all correct. I probably skipped some step. Thanks.

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